Brain Stroke Miracle Healing MOVED
November 11, 2009
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The latest entries are there. This blog will focus on Quantum Selling.
Sales Skills – Finding Direction
October 27, 2009
Confidence in your own ability to do well in business and in life starts with a clear understanding of where you are headed. And where the world is headed.
Is prosperity on the horizon? Or another cataclysmic drop in economy like 1932? And if it is a drop how can you protect yourself?
Confidence starts with you.
Here’s a cutting from a Quantum Masters Meeting last November.
Enjoy. It’s my old glib self.
Tom Pauley
Brain Stroke Miracle Healing 10
October 23, 2009
Before I get into the real reasons behind Stroke Tom I want to talk about another aspect of my Brain Stroke Miracle Healing. Some will call it luck. Some will call it good sense. Others may wonder why I’m talking about it at all.
But in my life it’s a 100% gold plated Miracle Healing.
I’m sure I mentioned that I don’t remember much about the three days I spent in ICU deciding if I’d live or die.
I do, however, remember floating around ICU on occasion. Spying on the nurses, watching other patients, listening in on conversations. Then somebody would come running into the room and spoil my out of body experience. They’d shut off the buzzers and mess with me until I was “safely” back in my half dead body chocking and gurgling once again.
Imagine floating peacefully on a rubber raft in a lagoon on a tropical island paradise in the South Pacific. Now, this is the greatest peace you’ve ever known. You have absolutely no cares or concerns. Money, obligation, health, all your earthly concerns amount to “nada”.
You are at peace and you are loving the beauty of creation.
Then ZAP! Just like that an invisible tether attached to your heart grabs you, rips you from your tropical paradise and drags you at the speed of light back into the most painful and hopeless situation of your life. All this accompanied by a loud, high-pitched squeal akin to scraping a blackboard with a nail. Only much louder and a lot more disturbing.
Talk about a wake up call.
Boy, it’s hard to talk about this stuff. It dredges up memories I had mercifully forgotten. Still, I know I must tell my story.
Because that’s what I must do. I am called to tell you what I am about to say.
Yes, it was painful. Yes, I wanted to stay out of my body. But I had a decision to make and I needed help. Not just from the multitudes of Divine Hosts, Angels and Guides. Not just from the brilliant and colorful waves of healing and love I received from good people around the world.
I also needed the hands-on, physical help I received from the doctors, nurses and therapists in Saddleback Hospital.
Here again is my Miracle Healing shining bright. Not only was I divinely directed to one of the best facilities and staffs for dealing with strokes. Not only did they provide me with world-class care, they made sure I had a bod to come back to. All this despite my best efforts to be a monumental pain-in-the-backside.
The miracle is I had the money to pay for it all. Some $300,000.00+ and counting. And no, it wasn’t all my money.
Turns out strokes aren’t cheap. And there’s no time to work a deal when you’re having one. The miracle of earthly miracles is that we had health insurance.
“Trust God and tie your camel.”
Now, I must admit I fought getting health insurance tooth and nail all my life. In fact, out of 41 years of marriage we’ve had health insurance 7 years.
All because of Diane. And every time she raised hell and demanded it, we wound up needing it. I believe she’s an angel sent from heaven to keep me straight and well.
I actually have proof that’s true. But that story involves a Black Sabbath, Halloween, beer party and a magically appearing Cajun White Witch.
That probably doesn’t belong here.
Yes, I thank God I had good health insurance. If I hadn’t I don’t know what would have happened to me. I know I wouldn’t have been in that hospital very long. If at all.
I probably wouldn’t be ambulatory and certainly not writing this blog, today.
Health Insurance is absolutely necessary. But why in God’s green earth does it have to cost so darn much?!
Next year it will cost us almost $30,000 just to have coverage. Hell, some people don’t even make that much. It’s not right. It’s not moral. It’s not humane. It’s not Christian or Moslem or Buddhist. And it’s definitely not good for this struggling economy.
Worst of all, it’s just not necessary. We have the power to change things.
I’m lucky. One-third of the country doesn’t have health insurance because they can’t afford it. 62% of all bankruptcies are the result of health care bills. And 65% of American’s want change.
Can’t we do something? Obviously, anything is better than what we have. Most of the arguments against change are just plain fear. FEAR we will lose out on something. FEAR it will cost too much. FEAR of what we don’t know.
FEAR and greed. The insurance companies like things the way they are. It makes trillions for a select few.
Well, I’m not afraid to say I know what it’s like to need an insurance card to get help. Boy, that changes everything. When you’re experiencing a painful, maybe life threatening event, all you want is help. You don’t think about politics or what the media has to say. All you want is help, fast.
And that requires buckets full of cash. Or an insurance card.
Let’s make it so no one will ever be denied care again. If not for your own sake, then for your human brothers and sisters. You can effect change just by adjusting your attitude.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” All the messengers of God have said a variation of that Devine Directive.
Why are we even arguing about this? Let God do the heavy lifting.
Write: I have the correct Health Insurance for me.
It covers my needs.
It is easily paid for.
It’s for my highest Good.
It is good for all concerned.
I am thrilled with it.
Stand up to FEAR every chance you get. Open you heart to Universal Love. Allow your heart to guide you and your life will always be blessed.
I love you so much for all your support and your love. I wouldn’t be here without it. Thank you for allowing me this pointedly American rant.
You can’t out give the Universe.
• More to come –
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