Selling Skills For A Tough Economy

October 28, 2010

I called a friend yesterday to ask how he’s doing with his business. A few years ago Larry’s business was selling millions of dollars of IBM training courses a year. With the new economy things are a little different. In fact, most of Larry’s competitors have given up and gone where no entrepreneur wants to go.

Larry is is using unconventional sales skills. Listen, mabe there’s something you can use.

Tom Pauley


O! I probably should mention that Larry is a Quantum Selling student.

Regaining Your Personal Power

August 20, 2010

We had a great Quantum Masters meeting last night. Penelope and I were so excited about some advanced techniques we found for overcoming the fog of confusion and chaos that currently envelopes the physical world.

We are going through a major evolutionary shift. And it’s not always clear what’s going on or how can best do our thing and still serve the greater good. Because if we’re not serving the greater good (going with the flow of life) we won’t prosper as much as we could.

Well, one of our Quantum Masters really had the process down even before we spoke. Listen:


Healing Experience

August 2, 2010

Diane and I had a Quantum Selling experience today that we’ll remember a long time. I’ve personally had an esp experience like this only a handful of times in my life. And this one was up there with the best.

We call these tools Quantum Selling tools, but often to benefit has very little to do with selling. I came right in and recorded my thoughts after we gathered ourselves and dried our eyes.

What a healing experience and as usual the Universe lead us to it by restricting our money. How many times have you taken an action only because you were concerned about money? Only to find that the benefit was beyond money. It happens to me all the time.

Love not money is the key to our success. Money is just the carrot the Universe guides us with.


Listen to this MP3. It’s only 5 minutes.

We love you,

Tom Pauley

O! if you want to know more about Quantum Selling follow this link and sign in for the free seminar.

Quantum Selling Very Helpful

July 8, 2010

Sunny Southern California isn’t.

There’s a chill in the air and the sky is a very discouraging gray. Paul Simon called it gray and white and cloudy. We call it June gloom. Unfortunately, this year it’s May-June-July gloom.

So, I wasn’t feeling my best Tuesday when my dear friend, Jillian Coleman Wheeler, called to say her 15 year-old-Grand-daughter, Nickki, had run away from home.

Or tonight when my sister-in-law, Cindy, called to say Diane’s mother, Dorothy Bernard (93 years-old) was in the hospital and wasn’t expected to make it through the night.

Diane hasn’t seen her mom for several years now. She was going to see her mother when Stroke Tom intervened 15 months ago. She never got there. Came right back and took care of me.

We’ve been planning a trip back because I can travel now. but never seem to get around to it. Too many important things to do like paying bills and watching TV.

Yesterday I told Diane that there couldn’t be anything worse than losing a child like Jill had. Not knowing where they are. If they’re safe. Facing your worst fears. And not really being able to do anything helpful.

Then tonight we had to deal with the guilt of not going back when we could talk to her mom.

Fortunately, we had somewhere to turn.

Tuesday, we immediately went into the Portal and talked to Nickki. We reassured her that her parents loved her and encouraged her to call her them. Then we asked the Quantum Masters to do the same.

We saw that Nickki was safe and full of teenage angst, but she listened.

Around lunch on Wednesday, she contacted her parents and her dad brought her home. They’ve got a lot to work out, but she’s home. I’m not saying we were responsible. A lot of people said prayers and sent out messages.

It was great, however, knowing we had done something… something positive. Maybe helpful.

Tonight Diane and I went into the Portal and talked to Dorothy. She was afraid. She felt alone…terribly alone. Diane got the chance to tell her mom things she’s wanted to say for years, but couldn’t because of the Alzheimer’s.

We told her it was fine with us if she passed; this was her decision. And she was instantly at peace. She was radiant when we said goodbye.

Honestly, I don’t know what I would have done with out Quantum Selling. Beat my breast? Pull out what few hairs I have left?

Because of Quantum Selling we went to bed confident in our actions, grateful for the tools and released about the outcome.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Tom Pauley

P.S. Diane’s mom made it through the night. Diane left on a jet plane. Hope she get there in time.

Hey the sun came out!

Disabled Working – Secret Selling Skills

May 29, 2010

Lately, my grandson, Finn, has been one of my greatest sources of encouragement. He’s nine months old now and just watching him learn to use his body has guided me to new heights in my Brain Stroke Recovery.

I watch him pick up breakfast and I just marvel at his patience. Using only his thumb and forefinger he slowly picks up every piece of cereal and every blueberry until they’re all gone. Stuffing them into his mouth and filling his cheeks. He looks like a little chipmunk by the time he’s finished.

Obviously, he less interested in eating than using his fingers. Although he certainly does love to eat.

I watch him and I wonder how he knows that he must practice to get full use of his muscles. He has to forget about the frustration of his hand working slowly and inefficiently. He has to practice constantly never doubting for an instant that one day he’ll have excellent motor skills. He’ll be able to throw a ball, climb a tree, swim a race, and even type with both hands.

Yes, typing with both hands…letting his mind connect with the Source of All Knowledge and Truth so his thoughts and revelations can flow effortlessly onto the computer screen. So he can do what he’s born to do. Fulfill his mission and passion. Extend the boundaries of what we know we can do to include more of what we think is impossible. To expand the power and scope of our minds. Embracing the Quantum or Spiritual side of life as the quickest and surest path to a rich, happy life.

Well,…I guess he doesn’t know that, yet. I know that. I keep getting hung up on how it was and what I’ve lost. Finn only thinks about how fun it is to pick up a Cheerio. He’s my hero and guide.

Finn reminds me of the joy you get from doing the simplest things. Of trying something just to see if you can do it. Not knowing it can’t be done. Not feeling any pressure to perform. And not holding any fear his efforts will end in failure.

No, Finn’s just having fun. And that make’s all the difference.

Boy, there’s a concept. Having fun with life. Succeeding effortlessly. Growing exponentially.

In his book, The Ultimate Time Machine, Joseph McMoneagle talks about remote viewing a time where no human works more than 2 hours a day. Where it is the custom to develop your artistic side. To seek beauty, love and joy.

Some would dismiss such a prediction as impractical, wistful, unproductive, foolish. A lazy man’s pipe dream.

I don’t think that at all. I wonder, “what’s the next step?”

Maybe it’s having fun with life. Trying new things just to see if you can do them. To see what the effect might be. Trusting the Universe to open the door, provide the means, make safe your path and guide your way.

That’s how Quantum Selling started. I wondered, “what if?” I put my fears in God’s hands. And I gave it a shot. Wow, I would never have believed I could live such a rich, happy, satisfying and protected life.

Oh, by the way I’ve decided to work no more than two hours a day. Somebody’s got to try it. Might as well be me. Heck, since my stroke I’m just one of the disabled working anyway. Of course, Quantum Selling makes that not only possible, but highly profitable.

The rest of the time I’ll spend time writing, painting, reading, cooking, designing…anything I think is fun.

I’ll tell you how it goes.

Tom Pauley

P.S. I don’t know how much longer we can offer the Quantum Selling course as it is now at any price. We don’t have the room in our new house for a shipping department. Besides Diane likes the idea of only working two hours a day. She’s made that abundantly clear.

I’m sorry, but the time has come.

So, if you’d like to experience the amazing benefits awaiting you in the Portal. If you’d like to stretch the fabric of your reality and lead the way into a new world order. Or maybe you’d just like to try something new for the fun of it and see where it leads. If so, hurry.

We’re blowing out the books we have left at super low prices. Don’t get left out.

Act now.

Selling Skills – Helping a Friend

April 9, 2010

I’ve been putting off telling you for some time, but i can’t keep this quiet any longer.

Yes, I’ve got a confession to make.

No it’s not meat for the tabloids or anything like that. But it is a powerful confession none the less.

One you can profit by.

Since coming home from the hospital I’ve had trouble connecting in the portal. There I’ve said it. The Quantum Master Master was having trouble connecting.

I’ve been so embaressed. Everybody else is doing great and I’m a great big slacker.

It’s been nerve racking. Oh, I could connect to healing energy just fine. In fact, I’ve been falling asleep while my body is washed with blue-green waves of pure healing energy.

Each wave pounds my being with the most intense clearing. I feel new life being infused into every organ, bone and tissue in my body. And then after this new, powerful energy fills me up to the point I think I’ll burst…then the wave recedes, taking with it all the garbage that hinders my healing. I see this garbage in colors of a sick brown, black, puce and the most unpleasant red I’ve ever seen.

I don’t think I could duplicate those garbage colors in the physical world if I had to. Maybe I’m not a good enough artist, but those garbage colors leaving my body defy description. Maybe they’re colors exclusive to the Quantum Side.

I can tell you I feel like a poison is leaving me. I instantly feel an amazing sense of relief and peace as they wash away.

We may talk about this next week in Quantum Masters. Quantum Selling Grads understand this phenomena of describing colors you see in the Portal.

The blue-green healing color is equally hard to describe, although it is an enchanting color. I can see it now. It’s alive, powerful, brilliant, an indescribable teaming of vital energies linked or driven somehow by the delicious color itself.

A few Masters have talked about the flavor colors have in the Portal. I’ve only experienced the taste of purple. Wow!

OK, I’m trying to describe my Brain Stroke Recovery and the Miracle Healing of Stroke Tom. And we all know miracles cannot be described, only experienced. Besides, that’s not my confession.

My confession is that although I have experienced healing in the Portal, I have not done well connecting to people. My connections have lacked strength and intensity. I just couldn’t feel or see who I was connecting with as before Stroke Tom.

Then last night everything changed.

I’m currently in the middle of a difficult and highly charged business deal. And one of the parties, a close and dear friend of mine, became extremely agitated and upset. The supercharged emotional atmosphere made it impossible for us to talk.

So I went into the Portal. And POW! just like that I connected with my friend on a powerful spiritual plane. It was wonderful! It’s been over a year since I’ve felt that intense joy and clarity.

This illustrates the power of a Weee! It’s that elevated emotion that powers a great Portal session.

Anyway I’m back!!! I can finally use this amazing power for something other than healing. Not that healing is a bad thing, of course. But I love connecting. With you. With business prospects. With friends. With those that can help me and with those I can help.

Not connecting on the Quantum Level after you have once experienced it is pure torture. Well, actually it’s worse than torture; it’s like being condemned to live your life in isolation. Deprived forever of the life giving benefit of human contact. The ultimate extrasensory deprivation.

I am thrilled to be back and looking forward to seeing you all in the Portal.

Attract Money — The Easy Way

February 8, 2010

It never fails!

Normally, our business is pretty consistent since I had my stroke last March 28th (  We’re not setting any records for sales volume or even for visitors, but like I said our business is usually consistent.  Which is great considering I couldn’t take on any major projects.

Wouldn’t you love to have a business that basically ran itself for a year?

Lately, however, I’ve noticed a drop in both new business and new subscribers.

I needed to attract money, fast!

I mention this because you may be a having a similar experience.  If not in your business or job, then in your relationships.

Maybe you can profit from my mistakes.

Now, as a conscientious businessman, when I experience a decline in business I always take action, even if it’s wrong.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, at least I’m moving.  And the Universe can’t guide you unless you’re moving.

This time I really got after it.  I decided my marketing was to blame.  I decided to revamp the whole business.  Never mind, I don’t have the skills or energy to take on a project of that magnitude.  But I’m used to big numbers so off I went.

I bought some new software I can’t use.  Started reading every marketing guru I know for helpful ideas.  Called my personal psychic friends network to find out what I should be doing.  Studied this idea and that.

Looked everywhere for the secret…that one trick…that elusive “blue pill” that would give me the powerful success I was looking for.

I purchased, searched, researched, downloaded, studied and inquired eight, ten hours a day.  Eventually, I was exhausted and confused.  So, I took a nap.

Actually, I spent so much time in January taking naps I began to question everything.

Is this the correct business for me?  Does God still want me doing this work?  Should I start focusing on selling hard products like cigars or Bibles or maybe enchanted chocolate frogs?

It was vey tiring.

Which made me wonder if my Miracle Elixir was still working.  It had taken away my tiredness when I was only working two hours a day.  “No more Stroke Fatigue!”  I told everybody that in the free seminar on (still available)  Did I lie?  Was I only kidding myself?  Was God punishing me?  Should I take that seminar down?

I even commiserated with a friend, bemoaning the obvious decay of the U.S. economy.  Should we move?  Where were the best opportunities for growth and prosperity, today.  China?  Tahiti?  Perth?

Should we just drop out?

Live off the grid!  Maybe move under a pier with my wife and new dog?  But that too gave me pause. Do they even have WIFI under piers?  How would I get my email or Facebook ?  Hey! I’m still recovering from a massive stroke.  How would I charge my wheel chair?

Stop!  There must be a better way!  An easier way!

Then it hit me.

I never have been good at marketing.  I did not build this business out from blood, sweat and tears and instant get rich programs.  I didn’t work my fingers to the bone late into the night.

I asked and it was given to me.

Heck, we asked, detached and went to Disneyland.  The Universe sent the business.  It was a good deal.  We didn’t have to do all the heavy lifting.  God did.  Why do it any differently now?

The Universal Laws haven’t changed.  God hasn’t forgotten me.  I am still born rich.  We’re just having a little rain. And the best place to start on the road to a rich and happy life is right where you are.

See, it never fails.  When we hit a rough patch we usually turn to mundane solutions.  We always think, “More money will fix this.”

The real secret is this: Money problems require spiritual solutions.

The Universe can solve your problems, open new doors and provide all the money you’ll ever need in the blink of an eye.  Talk about a get rich quick plan.

So, this morning Diane and I started doing a real marketing plan.   One that guarantees to Unleash a Higher Power into your business and your life.  It’s a Quantum Marketing plan.

We’re reading our own book and doing the exercises. Wow! We must have had a Host of Angela guiding us when we wrote that course because it is truly amazing.

I hadn’t planned on promoting our course, but when I read it I struck by the innate simplicity and awsome power it holds.  I see it as an obvious gift from God.

No wonder it’s helped so many gain so much.

Whatever you do get out your notebooks and plan 2010 so you have a very prosperous year.

Good Luck & Great Adventures,

Tom Pauley

Selling Skills — Good Business Again

December 6, 2009

Larry Vermillion had a thriving well-established business making a very good living for him and his family.   In 2008 it started to slide.  By the spring of 2009 he wasn’t making enough to pay to survive.

Today his business if flourishing once again.  He’s not making quite what he did before the Crash but he is doing very well – while his competitors are two steps away from bankruptcy.

We’re going to talk with Larry this week he’ll reveal his strategy in a FREE Health and Healing seminar. (Sign up here)

Listen to  this sneek preview.

Enjoy Tom


Selling Skills – Closing The Sale

November 17, 2009

Here’s a cutting from a recient interview Penelope and I did for Quantum Selling.  It goes to heart of making a sale.  If you are going to be closing the sale, regardless of what you sell, then you must have this selling skill.



Brain Stroke Miracle Healing MOVED

November 11, 2009

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The latest entries are there.  This blog will focus on Quantum Selling.

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