Selling Skills – Lover's Secret

October 19, 2009

Listen to this 5 minute conversation between Tom and Dave Edman on one of of the fundemenl aspects of selling.  Especially when working in the Portal.

Imagine what the rest of show (2 hours) was like.

Selling Skills – Lover’s Secret

October 19, 2009

Listen to this 5 minute conversation between Tom and Dave Edman on one of of the fundemenl aspects of selling.  Especially when working in the Portal.

Imagine what the rest of show (2 hours) was like.

Brain Stroke Miracle Healing 9

October 9, 2009

Great News!  My stroke recovery is now complete.

I believe with all my heart that I’m already completely recovered.  Regardless of my limitations.  Regardless of how far I have to go in my revitalization.  I had a Miracle Healing and I believe my stroke recovery is 100% complete.

Doctors say “I’m lucky.” Or “the stoke was obviously not as bad as we thought.” Or “your determination has done this for you.” Or “you’re making great progress.”  Or “all strokes are different.”

OK. But that isn’t the whole story.

The story really is about what you believe.  If you believe you’re lucky, then you are.  If you believe the doctors are always right, then they are.  And if you believe that stuff just happens, then it does.  And if you believe you’re completely recovered, then you are.

For years I’ve said “what you think, is.”  Sadly, that’s not quite true.

Because of all your faculties, of all your abilities, your brain is just too frail to carry the entire load. Now, I’m fairly strong willed.  But even I think about throwing in the towel once in a while when the weight of the opposition gets too heavy.

You start off thinking, “I’m going to recover completely.”  You write a parameter saying,”  I recover completely.”  You visualize yourself fully recovered.  You buy it lock stock and barrel.  You own your complete recovery.

Unfortunately, most of the world disagrees with you.  Conventional wisdom says it’s not realistic to recover completely.  Especially considering your situation.  Better to accept what must be accepted and make the best with what you have rather than dream of things that might not be.

Oh, your friends and family try to get on board, but somebody is always in their ear.  A well-meaning doctor who knows and believes all the latest research.  A well-meaning article on MSN written by someone who believes people need to be realistic.

God Bless the well-meaning.

Your own pain begins to plant seeds of doubt.  You’ve been improving steadily.  It’s only been six months.  But you are in constant pain of some sort.  You still can’t walk without a brace which is hot and distracting and uncomfortable.  Your right knee screams as you walk.   You type with one hand which is slow going and you only get about three hours before you are exhausted.

You swim for an hour and you are exhausted.

Oh, and when I say exhaustion I mean total physical and mental exhaustion. Overwhelming, debilitating, can’t-do- squat, doesn’t-go-away-sometimes-for-two-or-three-days exhaustion.  Regardless of the cause, mental or physical, “stroke fatigue” means your whole system shuts down.  You must rest.  You can only rest.  You can’t even read.  Forget physics and Psi books.  Even Dan Brown’s new novel is out of the question.

Lord God Almighty!  How much television can one human watch without going as crazy as whoever writes that stuff?  (Thank God for Nebraska Football.)

And didn’t the doctors say, “you’ll get back 80% of what you’ll get in three months?” Or was it six months?  Or two years?  All strokes are different, you know.  Aaaaggggghhhh!!!

Sometimes the frustration gets so bad you just want to jump in the car and drive to the mountain or the ocean and just sit in nature and recharge your soul.  That’s when it hits you.

The state took your driver’s license away.  You’re grounded!

So, you focus on the good stuff.  You focus on how much you’ve recovered so far.

You’re out to breakfast and you’re feeling good.  Your smile is nearly straight, now.  Your speech is better.  Your right arm and hand are working much better.  You can move your fingers independently.  Yep, you’re doing good.  Maybe good enough for a video after breakfast.  Proudly, you decide to try the pepper mill.  But your right hand slips, falls on the plate and, bingo, you’re wearing two eggs, over easy, sliced tomatoes and a blueberry blintz.

Very colorful.

Or you decide to invite your friends to a rare treat.  You grill the Stone River Salmon your wife froze the week of Stroke Tom.  Things go well as you grill the delicacy to perfection.  Then you call the gang to dinner and promptly drop the fish on the ground in front of everyone.

Including two very grateful cats.

Pretty soon you start to ask others what they think.  Will you ever get it all back?  Do you think I’m making progress?  What do my cards say?  You start reading statistics.  You watch stories about how someone learned to live with their disability.  You compare yourself with how fast Patricia Arquette recovered on Medium.

It’s all you can think about.

Inevitably, you begin to doubt yourself.  You doubt your own ability to recover.  It might just be better to go with the flow.  Accept your disability.  Stop all the struggle and live with what I have.

That’s when you realize how weak your mind is.

Here’s the secret that makes millionaires out of beggars and bankrupts.  The secret that makes miracles happen.

You must involve your heart if you want a Miracle Healing.  Your heart is far more powerful than your brain.  And more loyal.

Your mind can remember a Miracle Healing.  Your mind can tell about a Miracle Healing.  But only your heart can keep it alive.

It’s not easy.  You have to surrender your will to the will of the Universe.  Completely.

You must believe…really believe with all your heart… that you can have your deepest desire regardless of what the world thinks or believes.

Believe that God can give you anything you want faster than you can blink your eye.

Believe it.  Trust it.  Keep it safe and alive in your heart.

This is the secret.  This is the secret.  This is the secret.

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