Brain Stroke Miracle Healing 8

October 1, 2009

March 28, 2009 I was alone in my home writing when I noticed my mouse getting heavy.  Then my right leg got heavy.  I was having my first stroke.  I called 911 and was rushed to the hospital.  That was a minor stroke and about an hour later the ER doctor was about to release me.  While talking to my kids I had another stroke.  Then another and another and….  I had seven strokes before Sunday morning.

Along the way I had a monster stroke.  The doctors said they “thought they had lost” me.  That means I had no vital signs.

Lost, dead, kaput, sayonara.   Happy trails, cowboy; you’re heading for the that big roundup in the sky.

Naturally, they took full credit for keeping me alive.  And I’m truly thankful for their considerable efforts.  But what they didn’t know…what they couldn’t know was that I was still deciding whether I’d live or die.

Maybe I was better prepared to understand this experience because of my work in the Portal.  Maybe God wanted me to remember so I could tell you about it.  Maybe it’s good Irish luck.  Maybe all of the above.  I have no idea.

I remember waking Sunday morning in ICU, paralyzed and wired to a bank of electronic monitors.  I was choking on my own saliva and when I tried to speak strange guttural sounds had replaced my clear and powerful voice.  My beloved voice

The head neurologist was talking to my family.  I couldn’t make much of it out.  He seemed to speak in a foreign language.  It sounded like English, but his words made absolutely no sense at all.

A couple of months later Penelope told me what he said.  He said that I made it through the night, but this was as good as it would get.  One of the strokes was on the major artery in the left side of my brain.  That part of my brain was dead and, if I lived, I would never walk, speak, dress, or feed myself again.  That I’d never get out bed or read or write ever again.

My family spent the day with me.  A day of smiles and deeply sad eyes.  Except for Diane.  She didn’t hear a word the doctor said.  As she has for forty-one years she loved and believed in me.  We’d overcome so much together I’m sure she just thought this was another chapter in our lifelong adventure.  One from which we would emerge stronger than ever.

As they shuffled me off to more brain scans Penelope was on the phone to our psychic friends network.

In the morning she talked to a friend in South Carolina who said, “Tom’s in a very dark place right now.  He’s deciding between life and death.  You must tell him why this is happening.”

Our friend went on to explain why I had a stroke.  Again not the physical details, but the more important Quantum or spiritual reason.  The real reason.  The root cause.  The reason you can work with and change.  Otherwise bad things just keep on coming.

I did not, however, get that message.  I couldn’t.  My ability to process speech was zonkers.  I could understand the nurses in their break room 200 feet away with crystal clarity.  But I couldn’t get much of what was said in my room.

I was already out of my body and half way to the other side.  Afterlife retirement party here I come.

By this time healers, mystics, prayer groups and good people all over the world were going to bat for me with prayers, positive thoughts and healing energy.  My stroke had enlisted an army of love.  This army played a lead role in my Miracle Healing.  All that power directed at me…all that love literally changed my physical reality.

I was so close to leaving, but then I remember feeling a warm and strengthening wave wash over me.  It was like having your mother hold you and comfort you as a child, but even more powerful.  It was the first time in my life I’d known anything like it.  For the first time in my life I knew that other people loved me.  I knew my family loved me, but I never really felt loved or accepted by others.

If you’ve read any of the comments on this blog you’ll know that sounds crazy.  But it’s true.  My whole life I’ve felt alienated and alone.  That changed in one glorious moment as I was about to die.  It brings tears to my eyes even as I write this.

In a blinding flash I saw my possible life.  I saw the tough road to recovery, I saw my beautiful wife, my children, my grand children (including holding little Finn).  I saw all the people pulling for me, loving me.

And then, I saw my chance to play a role in the maturation of  humankind.  The remaking of our society into a peaceful, caring, generous civilization.  The next inevitable stage in the evolution of the world.  These are things I’ve dreamed to be part of since that day in my Uncle Herman’s study when I was nine.

Although where I was I had no physical body, I began to glow with a bright cerulean blue essence. All your love gave me the strength to see my choice clearly.

This is the day ancients dreamed of seeing.  King David offered up his life to live now if only for a minute.  How could I leave?  Without an instant of further hesitation I chose to live.

And here’s the crazy part in that instant everything changed.  I saw it change.  I was flooded with color.  Colors filled my being.  Colors I’d never seen before.  Mesmerizing colors filled with wonder and hope  and comfort and melody and healing.  Miracle Healing.

About 4:00 p.m. Sunday they took me for one more MRI just to be sure.  By then I’d decided to live.  By then everything had changed.

We didn’t see the results of the MRI till the next morning, but I knew.   Penelope got another call from South Carolina as she left that evening.
“What’s happened?” Our friend said.  “Everything’s changed.  He’s surrounded by light.  He’s decided to live and it looks like a full recovery.”

The next morning the Doctor said he had good news.  The strangest thing happened.  He didn’t know how to explain it.  Must have been a mistake in the first seven brain scans.  He’d never missed something like this before.  But the good news is the dead spot in my brain is not on the main artery after all. “It seems to have moved,” he almost said.   “He may have some recovery after all.”

Diane didn’t hear that either.  She knew I’d pull through.  I had work to do.  I was needed.  She needed me.  Besides I wouldn’t leave her without saying goodbye.

Of course, that still leaves the bigger question.  Why did this stroke happen in the first place?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Did I ask for it?  Remember you get what you ask for.  You ask and the Universe delivers.  Who would ask for something like this?  That’s nuts.

Thank God I now know the answer.  And, I seemed to have resolved the cause.  Finally.  I’m much more at peace these days.  Perhps I’ll write about that soon.  Maybe that’s something for next time.  First I need to process what I just wrote.

Selling Skills – Quantum Selling Secrets

September 25, 2009

This is a five minute conversation I took out of an hour and a half  Quantum Masters meeting.  I hope it helps you understand the amazing power of Quantum Selling.  In it Dave Edman and I talk why we should have named this process Sacred Selling.

(Actually, we nearly did call it Sacred Selling.  I still own the URL)

I guess this is one of those Quantum Selling Secrets we talk about.


Tom Pauley


Brain Stroke Miracle Healing 7

September 23, 2009

Writing about my near death experience is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.  I start thinking about what happened and I am suddenly overtaken with fatigue.

A similar thing happened in the hospital that first month.  I’d read a few lines on the sports page and I’d fall asleep.  After a stroke on the left side of your brain your cognitive ability can suffer, greatly.  Acupuncture stroke treatments helped, but I know that initially my cognitive ability was resurrected by my Miracle Healing.

Oh, but this is different.  There is so much pain associated with those first few days in ICU after Stroke Tom, my mind doesn’t want anything to do with remembering.

Penelope took pictures of me those first few days.  I made her promise when I was still conscious.  Oh, my Goodness, I looked at them last night.  Talk about scary pictures!  I look like the before picture to Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein.

It is a miracle I can write anything at all!  I thought about including one of those pictures, but Good Lord!  Nobody needs that kind of image.  Unless you’re a nut for the hidden truth like me.

I’ll do my best, starting with that Secret I promised.  Although for many of you it’s not that big a secret.  But it’s important to give you the full impact of my Miracle Healing.

The Secret is simply this:

We have a cadre of very close spiritual advisors.  And by spiritual I really mean psychic or gifted with ESP.  These are some very talented, skilled and experienced seers, viewers, knowers, readers and channels.  People who can communicate on the spiritual or quantum level with tested and proven success.

Now, I believe whole heartedly that all of us have similar abilities within us which you can be trained to use very successfully on a regular basis.  Some are born with powerful gifts and they stand out.  But we all have latent abilities waiting to be developed and nurtured.

Most of us in the West have been brainwashed and bullied to believe that all Psi activity is silly and a hoax.  Conventional Wisdom would have us believe that all life can be explained in the physical realm.  Common sense tells you that’s not true.  The signs are everywhere.

“Reality is much bigger than it seems and most of it is invisible.”

Is that statement only true on Sunday mornings?  Or when we need help and call on a Higher Power to assist us?  How about when a mother “knows” her child is in trouble, intuitively?  Or when you know someone’s watching you?  Or when you get the things you want in life just by asking and allowing yourself to receive.

OK, I’m getting all Quantum Selling on you.  It’s just that I’ve seen enough positive results from Psi events to not tolerate even the slightest doubt.

Your mind (not your brain) is so powerful that if you believed even as much as a grain of mustard seed, you could say unto the mountain go into the sea and it would go.

Wait!  Somebody else said that before, didn’t they?

Maybe I’m preaching to the choir, but you must accept that Psi events are part of this life if not part of this world before you can fully appreciate my Miracle Healing. Because my witnesses were tapped in over unconventional channels.

It’s one thing to accept that Quantum Selling allows you to make money by selling stuff simply by connecting to buyers in the Portal.  (We’ll generally accept anything if it helps us make money.)

And quite another to accept that someone a thousand miles away knew what I was going through in my darkened unconscious state.  That they knew why I had a stroke.  Not the mutable mundane or purely physical reasons, but the more important spiritual or invisible reasons.  And that they knew I would walk and talk and write again long before the doctors.

See, the truth behind a Miracle Healing like mine is sometimes hard to take.  When it comes to healing we often don’t want the truth.  Now, again, I’m not talking about physical truth.  Because physical conditions can change depending on your spiritual intention.


What we really desire deep in our hearts is the truth we most often don’t want to know.  Yet, it is that truth alone that determines our path.

So, if I talk about things that make you uncomfortable, it’s because I must.  It is the only way to give an accurate account of my Miracle Healing.  The only way you’ll ever understand how I managed to move that dead golf ball inside my brain.

How I came back from the brink to begin an impossible recovery.  And like Lazarus of old rose from my deadened, lifeless state to join you as an active player in the World’s Greatest Change.

The Great Shift.  The next inevitable stage in the evolution of Humankind.

One Miracle Healing and one spiritual truth just ahead.

•    more to come –

P.S.  I want to thank you all  for your support and great comments.  I’ll try to answer your questions in the course of the blog.  Also, we have people showing up just for this blog.  So, you must be sharing this tale of miracles and revitalization with others.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


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