Brain Stroke Miracle Healing 6
September 15, 2009
Before we get to the Miracle Healing I experienced there’s one thing I’ve got to clear up. It’s very important. In fact, without this information my near death experience and the Miracle Healing I experienced would be incomplete.
It’s like giving an expensive crystal vase to your lover on St. Valentine’s Day, but failing to include a dozen red roses.
Details. Heaven’s in the details. And I was reminded of a very important detail about Miracles last Saturday.
I was watching the Nebraska football game at a local watch sight. The bar was packed to “standing room only” with Husker fans raising the rafters with cheers of Go Big Red. Very exciting.
It was the first game of the year and the noise level was off the charts. It was hard to hear the people at your own table, if you were lucky enough to have a table.
Of course, I’m Irish.
Seems like I had the only reserved table in the illustrious history of this watch site. A gift of the owner (via Quantum Selling). Even the guy who holds the Note and Trust Deed on the property couldn’t get a reserved table. (We let him sit with us.)
I became an instant celebrity. The man to know. Seriously, I can’t even tell you how many people came up to my wheel chair to introduce themselves.
People that had hardly noticed me before. I guess Stoke Miracles are like Nebraska touchdowns; they just keep coming.
I was on cloud nine with all the attention, then right after we scored our second TD a remarkable thing happened. I noticed a young woman talking to her friend and using her hands to help convey her message. As I watched all the noise in the bar seemed to fade from the room.
The game, the crowd even the personal attention meant nothing. For a few minutes those beautiful, delicate, twenty-something hands became my entire Universe. I don’t remember the woman, who she was, or what she looked like…only her hands.
As she talked to the friend she waved those precious fingers about. Emphasizing, dismissing, welcoming her way through the conversation with the nobility and grace of a butterfly. She’d seemed to finger her way across an imaginary keyboard producing a soundless symphony of joy and adulation to life itself.
It was a thing of beauty, but all I could see, all I could think of, was my loss.
I thought of all the simple things, the little miracles, I took for granted before my stoke. Like opening a bag of chips or a bottle of water. Or walking to the park or picking up my new grandson. Like scratching my left arm or typing with both hands…
Or waving my hands and fingers as I talked.
I’m alive, yes. I chose life. And I’m glad I did. I knew it would be difficult. But let’s be clear, I do miss my life. The life I had before Stroke Tom. Sometimes I miss it so much I almost lose perspective.
I think too much about my struggle and forget why I’m here.
This is why I’m worried about telling you the Miracle Healing I experienced the instant I chose to live. I don’t want you to focus on that particular how and forget the why.
We are here to grow and to learn. That’s what’s important. How that happens is different for each of us.
And I don’t want you to need another big Miracle to believe. To keep your trust in the power of the Universe.
Because when you surrender you will the Universe, God will open the doors, provide the means, make safe your path and guide your way.
Fact is your life is already full of miracles.
Some miracles are more memorable. Some make better stories. And some are too easily dismissed by coincidence or luck or whatever.
So, I don’t want you to think your miracles are too normal and commonplace to be valued as an honest to God, verifiable Miracle.
Truth is you can find a way to debunk any Miracle if you so choose. Because if you believe there is nothing more to the mind than matter, then you will not believe any Miracle.
And the Unlimited Power of Creation will be lost to you.
It’s easy to look only to hard work as the source of our good, but the truth is all our good comes from God. It is our job to remember that. Every minute of every day. And miracles help us remember.
I’ve put this off long enough. Open your heart and put your mundane, rational brain on standby. One Secret and one honest to God, Miracle Healing coming up next.
• more to come –
Brain Stroke Miracle Healing 5
September 8, 2009
This morning Diane was talking about how far and how fast my recovery has been. “Do you realize it’s only been five months since…well, since they gave us that awful news? They said you’d never walk, talk, write or do anything ever again. Now look at you!”
I had to stop and think about it. I had to admit my progress has been nothing short of a miracle.
I walk around the house now barely using a cane. I sometimes cook breakfast and I often grill steaks, chicken, burgers…last week I smoked pork ribs. I can move my fingers more every day. And I swim and write all the time.
Oh, I even used a pepper grinder last night. A far cry from the paralyzed body I brought home a month after stroke. An even farther cry from my near death experience.
Then Diane said, “I guess you’ve always done things fast. Your life has always been fast. You’d never wait like other people. When you decided you were going to do something you did it. And you did it fast.”
Maybe that’s why everything changed so fast after I decided to live. I don’t know. Maybe. But I can’t help thinking there was a whole lot more to it than me and my will. Of course, that rugged individualist thing is what everyone points to.
That month I was in Accute Stroke Rehabilation everyone said it was my absolute determination, my steel will that was driving my amazing progress.
I remember “walking” down the hall to physical therapy that first week. I say walking, but it wasn’t like any walking I ever knew. I’d take a step with my left leg then I’d lean far to the left on my hemi-walker and using my hip throw my right leg out in front of me. That was a step. And I could do about five of those before I had to sit down in the wheel chair to rest.
It took a while to “walk” the hundred feet to the rehab room.
My doctor, nurse and therapist were walking with me they all agreed, “You shouldn’t even be walking. It’s only because of your shear determination that you’re moving at all. You are doing this, Tom.”
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
Dr. Lynn and his great staff were very supportive and helped me greatly, but they were simply seduced by their years of belief in the mundane. The physical world.
In their hearts they believe that the mind is matter and nothing else. My mind had a big dead spot in the center on the left side about the size of a golf ball. Maybe a little bigger. And what’s dead is gone forever.
Oh, they meant well. Best I know the awful truth. Maybe in time (years) and with enough exercise I could convince my brain to grow new connections and get some movement back.
They simply didn’t understand the way things really work in this world. To them dead was dead. To me dead was irrelevant.
The mind is SO MUCH MORE than a few pounds of spongy gray matter.
I have attracted fancy cars, houses and a thriving international business with my mind. I’ve attracted healing and healers with my mind. Heck, I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. Because of my mind.
God can give us in an instant what we could never earn in a lifetime. If we allow it. If we open our minds to the infinite possibility of the Universe. And accept the good He sends.
Certainly, God could make my body work again. And quickly.
So, yes, I took action. Yes, I was determined. Yes, I expected a very speedy recovery.
But no, my speedy stroke recovery wasn’t because of me. I knew the truth. Anything is possible if ask and then allow yourself to receive.
Besides, I had a secret. A secret I’ve never shared until now. A Secret and that Miracle healing I mentioned last time. The one that left my near death experience pale in comparison. The Miracle that I’m almost afraid to reveal for fear you won’t believe it.
The Miracle I wouldn’t believe it hadn’t happened to me.
We’ll get to that, but first I’ve got this Secret burning to get out. Do you promise not to tell? I’ll tell you my Secret if you promise not to tell.
OK. OK. You can tell one other person, but only one. OK?
Brain Stroke Miracle 4
September 2, 2009
When you think back on your life what stands out? Graduation day? your first time making love? Walking down the isle? Your 30th birthday? Maybe. But isn’t there something beyond that?
What would be so compelling you’d risk a living death to have?
First He showed me my life. I saw my grand daughter and grand son growing up. My children maturing and finding their success. I saw you, everyone on our list now and to come. I saw my business continue to grow and succeed beyond my wildest dreams.
All well and good, but what good are grandkids you can’t hug? Or successes you can’t celebrate?
This whole conversation was in a video format. I’d ask a question and I’d get a movie for an answer. Actually, I’d get a simultaneous flash of hundreds of movies, home videos, and overviews.
Kind of like going to Youtube heaven on a speed pass.
Then He showed me death. I would be welcomed into what must have been Heaven or Abha. It was like a giant party. My mom and dad, aunts, uncles, friends and so many folks I didn’t know all celebrating my arrival.
Oh, my God, was it appealing. No more pain. No more struggle. No more tests. No more challenges.
No more challenges?
No more rapid growth in consciousness. No more helping others stretch the limits of possibility. No more Quantum Masters. No more active role in creating the World 2.0.
I was watching a giant retirement party. If I chose death it meant sitting on the sidelines while everybody else got to do things. Motivate. Initiate. Innovate. Connect.
I was being taken out of the big game. No wonder Brett keeps coming back. Once you’re out, you’re done.
Wait! I still had something to contribute. Quantum Selling and Quantum Marketing are both powerful tools for the World 2.0. Powerful, breakthrough selling skills and now stroke recovery.
I don’t want to retire. I don’t even like to go to sleep at night because I have to stop doing stuff.
This is what I’ve waited for my whole life. I’ve prepared for this time my whole life. All the struggle and growing I’d done and it was for nothing if I couldn’t play.
How could I quit? How could I voluntarily leave the biggest game in history with two minutes left in the fourth quarter?
This is the Super Bowl of Historic Change. Right now!
The old ways of business have failed us. People everywhere want change. They want to be treated fairly and openly. They’re tired of being cheated, abused and lied to.
This is our time to push back the old ways of doing things and build a new, better, more peaceful world
How could I leave?
I chose to stay not because God told me I’d do great things. But because I had a chance at helping do great things. A chance at doing something meaningful. I had a chance.
So, I chose to live. And here is where it gets interesting. No, here is where the miracle begins. Because at the very instant I chose life everything changed. My near death experience pales in comparison to what happened next.
• more to come –
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