Brain Stroke Miracle

August 11, 2009 · Print This Article

I’ve had to curtail my duties at  I’ll still be on calls, but I won’t have much to do with promotions.  And for a good reason.

I found a new, powerful benefit from Quantum Selling.  Miraculous healing.

It’s imperative I tell you about my experience healing from the brain stroke I experienced March 28, 2009.

Because it’s a miracle.  A miracle you helped create.  What happened  to me could not happen, except it did.

I have avoided talking too much about it.  I needed some time to process the whole thing.

It is both very intimate and a little amazing even for me.

Talking about making and losing money is easy.  I can bare the most devastatingly intimate details without raising a sweat.  But talking about my stroke has proven a lot more difficult.

In fact, after writing one page I was exhausted the whole day.

I guess my fear is that if I tell too much about the aftermath of Stroke Tom, you’ll reject me.  You’ll avert your eyes and stop reading for fear it’s catching.  Like pretty people at the mall I pass in my wheel chair.

Well, it isn’t catching.

Believe me, ignoring a stroke won’t keep you from getting one.  I’ve tried that.

Now, if you rated strokes like they rate hurricanes,  I had, at least, a Class 4, maybe a Class 5.  Something along the level of Katrina.  It didn’t kill me, but damn.

The Doctors went with Class 5.  They told my family the first night, “that is it for Tom.  He will never walk, talk, write, feed or dress himself again.  He’ll spend the rest of his life in bed.”

I didn’t hear that, of course.  I was too busy choking on my own salvia.

God, that sounds gross.  I promise not to dwell on gory details, but you need to know that I was in bad shape.  And I need to know where I am.

See, that’s really why I’m writing about Stroke Tom.  It’s the first rule of Quantum Marketing.  “Before you can move forward you must know where you are.”

And of course, that’s how my stroke recovery started…with a Quantum Healing.

— more to come —


9 Responses to “Brain Stroke Miracle”

  1. linda field on August 11th, 2009 11:49 am

    Hi Tom,
    Can I just say I am so pleased taht you are on the mend. You are truly an inspiration to us all. I admit I was worried when we had first notice about your stroke, but I should have known you’d come out of it. If anyone could you could. A man that’s turned two bankrupcies around. Thank you Tom for showing us the way.

    God bless you and your family


  2. Connie Baum on August 11th, 2009 12:00 pm

    Oh, Tom.
    I adore you; I adore your family and I have read and re-read your books over and over again. I read every word of every blog you ever sent to my Inbox. Your website is bookmarked. We are “old friends.”
    Your experience has SHOWN you how important your work is. Your misery is something you have borne so we can widen our eyes, point in your direction and say, “So THAT’S what Quantum Energy can do!”
    Your humor makes me laugh and weep at once and I wish you well. Over and over and over again.
    Hugs to the fam. You guys are the best. I am so proud of all of you.
    Mother Connie from Tecumseh, NE

  3. Anders Schultz on August 11th, 2009 12:25 pm

    Hi Tom. Thanks for going through this and sharing with us. I feel a need to hear how this all went down for you and how you are recovering. You are a hero in my book already (even though I do not really know you)!

  4. Melissa on August 11th, 2009 12:49 pm

    Everyday for the last 3 weeks I have been blessed to get to know you and yours from all the reading…..and rereading. You are soooooo real, honest, loving, helpful, kind, funny, compassionate, passionate (about your work ….i dunno about the other stuff :), informative……the list is a mile long!
    I have been wanting to write to say Thank you for all that you do. It has been a very hard road and even harder to find the right programs for me to understand and GET! I GET this! It is wonderful, Hard, very hard work but well worth it when you have the right folks teaching it.
    Penelope? You rock too! I love you both…no, I love all the Pauleys and and will keep you in my writing, and my Thank you, Thank You, Thank You’s! ..not to mention my prayers.
    Melissa from CT.

  5. Syl on August 11th, 2009 12:53 pm

    Hi Tom, those that experience make the best teachers 🙂 I am waiting with bated breath for your insight and wisdom to be put into word!

    Love and blessings on this your new path in life…


  6. Richard Rozek on August 11th, 2009 1:53 pm

    Tom, you really are a 21st century miracle and pathway buuilder. I strongly suspect that your faith and understanding have a lot to do with that. Your thoughts aboutb getting well have proven the doctors wrong. You’re a lving example of the Law of Attraction. Please take take time let your body recover fully.And, thanks for the great work you and your family do.
    [email protected]

  7. Mark Potes on August 11th, 2009 3:53 pm

    HI Tom,
    get well. The world needs teachers like you now more than ever.

    love ya man,


  8. Phil Stern on August 11th, 2009 7:43 pm

    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for sharing. I think that is part of what this type of community is about. Both for us and for you. Support goes both ways. As to the gory details, maybe it is good that you share those, as well. My dad went through the same experience, and until one has a personal involvement in this type of situation they haven’t a clue as to what it is all about. The sobering details might help to serve as a wake up call for folks who take their health for granted. It’s never to late to make lifestyle changes. As to you, my friend, keep on shocking those doctors with your recovery. I look forward to more good news.
    All the best,

  9. Jackie on August 13th, 2009 4:38 am

    Thank you so much for sharing Stroke Tom. You are one of the Most Valued Teachers in my life and now you have once again outdone yourself.

    You see, my brother had a stroke 2 years ago. He doesn’t believe in all of this other worldly quantum stuff. Every day he says, “I’ve got no brains.” Actually he’s got more brains on his worst day than most! I hope and pray for him that he will understand that all of the negativity just feeds on itself and makes it grow. It’s a pity that he believes what the doctors have told him.

    I can hardly wait to share your journey so he can hear that YES, there is a way to heal. There IS a way to get better every single day.

    Tom, you blow me away. Not only are you teaching those of us who get this stuff. You’re reaching across to those who don’t.

    How cool is that?

    God Bless you, my friend. You’re amazing.


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