Sales Skills – Finding Direction

October 27, 2009 · Print This Article

Confidence in your own ability to do well in business and in life starts with a clear understanding of where you are headed.  And where the world is headed.

Is prosperity on the horizon?   Or another cataclysmic drop in economy like 1932?   And if it is a drop how can you protect yourself?

Confidence starts with you.

Here’s a cutting from a Quantum Masters Meeting last November.


Enjoy.  It’s my old glib self.

Tom Pauley


7 Responses to “Sales Skills – Finding Direction”

  1. Mardy Penrose on October 28th, 2009 2:09 pm

    Hi Tom & Penelope,

    I love the work you do..I have I’m Rich beyond my wildest dreams I am I am I am.. its brilliant..

    Can you please tell me where I can get the poem that you spoke of in your clip..can I get a copy please..I very much need to hear it again and again..

    Gold Coast
    PS. Are you ever coming to the land down under to visit us?

  2. Author on October 30th, 2009 10:45 am


    That poem is from a book called “The Hidden Words” written by Baha’u’llah who many believe to be the latest Manifestation of God like Christ or Mohammad. You can read them on line from the Baha’i Publishing Trust or (my choice) buy a beautiful small book on Google Books for about ten bucks.

  3. Cori on November 11th, 2009 2:06 pm

    So much of the doom and gloom we are hearing about is the result of fear-mongering on an international level. I don’t believe them.

    The wonderful thing about realizing that we create our own realities is that we can choose to do so together, as one humanity, and create a better world and universe for us all.

    As you said, the truth is within each one of us, and it remains only for us to use it with intelligence and skill.

    Peace and Blessings, Cori

  4. Judi on November 11th, 2009 2:16 pm

    Thank you for all the great articles and postings! Love your stuff!!!

  5. Ingrid on November 11th, 2009 2:19 pm

    Thank you Tom for sharing your stroke experience. I’m sharing with others….it is truly a blessing you are giving us to see inside ….as to what really goes on while a person is recovering.

  6. Dalila on November 11th, 2009 3:33 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing so beautiful and inspiring words.

    We truly must elevate our consciousness as ONE, we are ONE,
    let us pray and sing together so we can fill the UNIVERSE
    with PEACE and LOVE.

  7. maha daoudi on November 12th, 2009 1:26 am

    thank you tom for sharing i was so blown away by the fact that you could choose for yourself even in the midst of a big stroke to come back or not it seems that everything at EVERYTIME is up to us .you have just cemented for me now the belief in the law of attraction
    thank you for your generous spirit and for sharing i have just joined your quantum marketing program and i feel safe and reassured already before even have received it yet
    i love you and pray that you recover fully and keep on guiding us
    with love and light
    maha daoudi

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