Selling Skills – Helping a Friend

April 9, 2010 · Print This Article

I’ve been putting off telling you for some time, but i can’t keep this quiet any longer.

Yes, I’ve got a confession to make.

No it’s not meat for the tabloids or anything like that. But it is a powerful confession none the less.

One you can profit by.

Since coming home from the hospital I’ve had trouble connecting in the portal. There I’ve said it. The Quantum Master Master was having trouble connecting.

I’ve been so embaressed. Everybody else is doing great and I’m a great big slacker.

It’s been nerve racking. Oh, I could connect to healing energy just fine. In fact, I’ve been falling asleep while my body is washed with blue-green waves of pure healing energy.

Each wave pounds my being with the most intense clearing. I feel new life being infused into every organ, bone and tissue in my body. And then after this new, powerful energy fills me up to the point I think I’ll burst…then the wave recedes, taking with it all the garbage that hinders my healing. I see this garbage in colors of a sick brown, black, puce and the most unpleasant red I’ve ever seen.

I don’t think I could duplicate those garbage colors in the physical world if I had to. Maybe I’m not a good enough artist, but those garbage colors leaving my body defy description. Maybe they’re colors exclusive to the Quantum Side.

I can tell you I feel like a poison is leaving me. I instantly feel an amazing sense of relief and peace as they wash away.

We may talk about this next week in Quantum Masters. Quantum Selling Grads understand this phenomena of describing colors you see in the Portal.

The blue-green healing color is equally hard to describe, although it is an enchanting color. I can see it now. It’s alive, powerful, brilliant, an indescribable teaming of vital energies linked or driven somehow by the delicious color itself.

A few Masters have talked about the flavor colors have in the Portal. I’ve only experienced the taste of purple. Wow!

OK, I’m trying to describe my Brain Stroke Recovery and the Miracle Healing of Stroke Tom. And we all know miracles cannot be described, only experienced. Besides, that’s not my confession.

My confession is that although I have experienced healing in the Portal, I have not done well connecting to people. My connections have lacked strength and intensity. I just couldn’t feel or see who I was connecting with as before Stroke Tom.

Then last night everything changed.

I’m currently in the middle of a difficult and highly charged business deal. And one of the parties, a close and dear friend of mine, became extremely agitated and upset. The supercharged emotional atmosphere made it impossible for us to talk.

So I went into the Portal. And POW! just like that I connected with my friend on a powerful spiritual plane. It was wonderful! It’s been over a year since I’ve felt that intense joy and clarity.

This illustrates the power of a Weee! It’s that elevated emotion that powers a great Portal session.

Anyway I’m back!!! I can finally use this amazing power for something other than healing. Not that healing is a bad thing, of course. But I love connecting. With you. With business prospects. With friends. With those that can help me and with those I can help.

Not connecting on the Quantum Level after you have once experienced it is pure torture. Well, actually it’s worse than torture; it’s like being condemned to live your life in isolation. Deprived forever of the life giving benefit of human contact. The ultimate extrasensory deprivation.

I am thrilled to be back and looking forward to seeing you all in the Portal.


9 Responses to “Selling Skills – Helping a Friend”

  1. eric on April 9th, 2010 1:30 pm

    It is nice to see that you are back in the game again. Are you able to connect to the portal like you used to before the stroke? How different is the portal for you now?

    I have trouble focusing at times too. What is the best way to focus on the portal without getting distracted?


  2. Ingrid on April 9th, 2010 3:05 pm

    Thanks for sharing Tom. It shows your ‘normalness’.

  3. Evelyn on April 9th, 2010 5:07 pm

    gee I feel like i have totally missed the whole boat! I can’t even be so sure I know what you’re talking about! Is there some realm others are reachin- that I have not found out about? I want some of that wham-pow-kazowie stuff you’re talking about!
    New here, in the dark. Totally…in the dark.

  4. Kate on April 9th, 2010 5:40 pm

    Tom! You ARE ALWAYS CONNECTED! You just needed to feel it again, and for once in your life, your being was demanding that you paid attention to YOU! Now you honoured that, you can feel the connection again.

    You’re awesome!



  5. Carolyn Bartz on April 10th, 2010 3:03 pm

    Tom, I love how you share your journey with us. You are so wonderful. You keep trying…… what inspiration! I try to stay connected by daily meditation. I will keep you and the family in my prayers. You taught, “ask, believe, and receive”. Let’s do it together,
    Hi to Diane and family.

  6. Simone on April 11th, 2010 11:37 pm

    Tom, you had a huge physical disturbance to heal from!
    I believe that when our carbon-based physical bodies need deep healing, our light-based etheric bodies take a back seat.
    Until your body was able to contain and support your active mind/spirit, you naturally were unable to make that connection in the Portal.
    It seems to me that this is a very strong signal that your brain has reached a new level of healing and recovery.
    Congratulations on both your increased neural connections and your restored Portal connections!

    Be Love, Simone

  7. Theresa on April 12th, 2010 2:43 am


    I’m always pleased to read your blog ‘cos it’s always full of insight and it releases strenghth and courage into me. Never mind how you feel, I can assure you of our love.

    You’ve always been connected both in mind and in my prayers

  8. Author on April 14th, 2010 5:55 pm

    Dear Totally in the dark,

    The realm others are reaching is Quantum Selling. I still find it amazing.


  9. Author on April 14th, 2010 5:56 pm

    That’s a good question for Quantum Masters this week.

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