Tom Is Back With Gratitude

May 1, 2009 · Print This Article

As most of you know, on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 10:45 a.m. I had the first of seven consecutive strokes.  The Emergency doctor later said they almost lost me.  At the time I wasn’t sure if he was alive or dead, since the room seemed to be packed with both.

Three days in ICU and a month of Acute Rehab has me back half as good as new.  And getting better by the day.

I’m home from the hospital with plenty of rehab awaiting me.  But first I must thank you for all the wonderful e-mails, cards, gifts, flowers, good thoughts and amazing healing energy you sent from every corner of the earth.

Please note!  I have been protected, safe and guided every step of the way.  Not once have I been abandoned – never!  God has been there every instant. And the healing energy that has surrounded me every minute of the day and night defies description.

The doctors, nurses and therapists in the Hospital said they were amazed at how dramatic my recovery is.  Jane, my head nurse, looked me straight in the eye the day before my release and said, “Tom, not only are you among the top five or ten stroke recovery patients we’ve had in my fifteen years here…you are the best.”

The neurologist had told my family that my stroke was too dense and that I’d never come back.

Poppycock!  He didn’t know I had all of you pulling for me.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.   The outpouring of love I have experienced is…well, it’s the closest thing I’ve felt to Heaven on Earth.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I have gained so much from this adventure and I can’t wait to tell you about it.  Keep watching this blog for new installments.

I love you eternally,


P.S.  I noticed that we only have 12 Quantum Selling books and workbooks left.  It’s a great skill to have.  It’s how I accessed all that great healing energy.  Don’t wait.  You never know when you’ll need it.

OH! Please join this newsletter; it’s totally different than RichDreams.  I think you’ll like it.


35 Responses to “Tom Is Back With Gratitude”

  1. diane pauley on May 1st, 2009 8:21 pm

    I’m so proud to be your wife and partner of nearly 41 years. We certainly have been blessed. Keep up the great work, my darling.

  2. Elize van Dijk on May 3rd, 2009 6:02 am

    Dear Tom & Penelope,
    ( This message have been sent to you on Jan.14th 2009, but never been answered).

    My name is Elize van Dijk, 51 years old, happily married, mother of a
    19 year daughter.
    Living in The Netherlands, Europe.

    For almost a year now I’m receiving your newsletter, and I’m enjoy it
    every time again.
    Because of money issue I could not buy your book ( I’m Rich beyond my
    wildest dream I’m I’m I’m )
    On January 3rd I bought it, now I’m on my way to be RICH BEYOND MY

    I the near future I would like you to guide me through this journey,
    and to answer my questions.

    My first question:

    I want pay my Tithe to you, but I don’t use credit card, I like to
    made transfer from my bank account.
    Please advice.

    Thank you for writing this book
    Be blessed,

    Elize van Dijk

    The Netherlands, Europe

  3. Jeanne on May 3rd, 2009 6:18 am

    So very happy for you Tom, and for your family!

    Health & Wellness


  4. Satyendra Nath Chatterjee on May 3rd, 2009 6:21 am


  5. Elize van Dijk on May 3rd, 2009 6:30 am


  6. Perla Rizalina M. Tayko on May 3rd, 2009 6:31 am


    You are a reason to be back for all who still need be reached out by YOUR Mission. GOD SPEED.!


  7. Jane R on May 3rd, 2009 6:39 am

    Glad to see you are recovering. No doubt due to the many thoughts and wishes, and prayers behind you.
    Recovering form a head trauma or stroke is not an easy thing and positive attitude certainly helps!

    Keep up the good work!

    Janie R

  8. Frank Habit on May 3rd, 2009 7:26 am

    Welcome back, Tom. Finish getting well, and go get ’em!

  9. Anthony on May 3rd, 2009 8:04 am

    I thank God for you and i thank him that you are back,you had your stroke on my birthday,but i am very happy you are strong and back,it is all God grace,i hope we will learn a lot from that when you start telling us how it all went.I will keep on praying for you,because God is using you to teach us a lot,may he continue to be your guard and guide .Amen.
    With love,

  10. Grace mvula on May 3rd, 2009 8:36 am

    Good evenning from Cairo in Egypt,Tom I am so grateful to God for healing you for us. Thank God that our prayers are answered. Having suffered a stroke myself at an early age I know what it feels like to recover and come back home. MAY THE GRACE OF GOD COVER AND PROTECT YOU AND BRING YOU FULL RECOVERY. You need alot of rest and a lot of love around at all times, I love you for what you are doing for mankind. BE STEADFAST IN FAITH THE LORD WILL SUSTAIN YOU ALWAYS. Good night.

  11. Andi on May 3rd, 2009 9:02 am

    First of all You have to say ‘ Thank Yourself ‘ for decision from your heart to come back healthily.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences.
    Many blessings and love,
    Andi from Hungary

  12. Linda on May 3rd, 2009 9:24 am

    Glad to see you are up and running (so to speak) once again Tom.
    I have been a fan since 2004. I love I am Rich beyond my Wildest Dreams. Everything you do. I was also in the hospital March 30st through April 4th. I had some complications to a 14 hour surgery. However, I knew I was in great hands and was very happy to keep singing I am Rich beyond my wildest dreams I am I am I am while I was in the hospital. It was easy to sing or say not to much energy and the nurses loved it.
    Keep up your great spirits we all love and adore your spirit, your message, your family and you!

  13. Connie Baum on May 3rd, 2009 9:24 am

    I am SO HAPPY to have you back from the brink, Tom.

    Since I heard about your illness I have been doing The Healing Codes for you and of course, you were on my prayer list.

    You and yours have impacted so many people all over the globe and you are living proof of the power of love, light, prayer, faith, quantum everything!

    Please be well! You ARE a gift; you HAVE many gifts of offer this needy world of ours!

    God’s richest blessings,
    BIG Hugs,

  14. Marla Zemanek on May 3rd, 2009 10:29 am

    Tom, you are an amazing man and gift to all of us. You have one lucky family. I will thank God every day for what all of you have brought into my life through your inspiration and for keeping you among us! ~ Marla

  15. Cathleen on May 3rd, 2009 12:06 pm

    There’s no way we were gonna let you go yet. We need your teachings. I know seflish of us, but obviously we were right. Your here and we appreciate it all. In we I speak for all your readers and listners. I just bought the Power Imaging last night. Awesome product as usual. Keep going Tom!

  16. Bob Chambers on May 3rd, 2009 1:16 pm


    Certainly you’re the best…in hospital or out. Great knowing you’ll even be better because of this experience. I look forward to the 200% TOM that I know will be around real soon and giving us new insights into using Quantum healing to live and make money.


  17. Crystal on May 3rd, 2009 2:00 pm


  18. Nick & Sue Cavataio on May 3rd, 2009 2:14 pm

    Tom, it’s great to hear that you’re back home. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

    Nick & Sue

  19. Kelli on May 3rd, 2009 6:18 pm

    I am very pleased to hear you are doing so well.
    Much love to you.

  20. Betty on May 3rd, 2009 8:26 pm

    Tom – I’m so glad to hear you are home. You have been in my prayers. I’ve been tweeting about you as well. May you have a full and speedy recovery.

    (If I want to sign up for this blog do I need to sign up for the Seminar? That was a little confusing?)

  21. Barry Bechta on May 3rd, 2009 9:29 pm

    We are all so glad to hear that you are back and feeling stronger every day. You are an inspiration to so many.
    Thanks Barry

  22. Julia Roache on May 3rd, 2009 9:59 pm

    Hi Tom,

    I am actually reading Rich Dreams now so its as if I know you. and your family. Sorry to hear of the strokes and THANK GOD you survived.

    God is Good and I will keep you in my prayers as you do me. I am trying to benefit from your book but that discussion is for another time. Right now it’s all about you..Stay well and Safe…God Bless you.


    Jamaica W.I.

  23. Werner on May 3rd, 2009 11:40 pm

    Dear Tom
    Please to know you are back home with the family and that you have recovered remarkably well.
    God Bless

  24. Tabitha on May 4th, 2009 1:46 am

    Hi Tom, Welcome back. I think this is a time of tremendous awakenign for alot of people around the world and people like you are called to help those who awake make the shift happen. I’m not using the Quantum Selling techniques yet because my organisation is still giving intent to get Web 2.0 applications introduced in Lesotho-without these applications, teaching, sharing and distributing anything we receive from affiliate programmes and Jv partnerships is really costly and difficult to manage.
    I’m so glad to hear that God was with you during your trial and I trust that the whole experience has been one of being “refined in the fire” as it were! I look forward to hearing the insights you gained and it was a real privilege to be able to add my energy for healing and recovery to everyone else’s.
    Thank you for being more of who you are and for quantum secrets- maybe you could consider changing the name to “Quantum Service” , as the shift happening around the world has so much to do with moving away from the term “selling” and moving towards serving as a vehicle for applying The Law of Attraction. Just a random idea..

  25. Phil on May 4th, 2009 5:41 am

    Tom, coming back is the greatest gift you have given not only yourself, your family but also the world. Your extended family.

    Gratitude? I’m sure that word only begins to describe what you are feeling.
    I am in deep gratitude that you made it this far. I sense thousands of others are too around the world.
    Do you realise what you have done?
    Thank you Tom, Thank you Universe. Thank You, Thank You, Thank Me!!!

  26. Josephine on May 4th, 2009 5:47 am

    Glad you are back. Your books and website have really been an inspiration to me and for this I thank you. Now you must maintain the vessel that god has so generously provided to you. Just as you shared your inspiration with me, with your consent I would like to send you samples of what I have been taking for energy, stress and well being. This contains all the goji, noni, acai, mangosteen and B12 – chewable so you do not need water, 100% natural and you can take it wherever you go.
    Let me know


  27. pat on May 4th, 2009 8:37 am

    Its great to have you back on line. We knew you would pull through, you still have a lot more work to do for Spirit, you have so many more people to help
    God Bless
    Pat & Len

  28. Edith Hewett on May 4th, 2009 8:38 am

    Hi Tom. I’m so glad you’re back and I’m not surprised at your amazing recovery. There’s just something about you. I also know that God can do in one day what it would take us a lifetime to complete. He’s great isn’t He. Two years ago after having brain surgery I was told there was a strong possibility that I wouldn’t walk. Well Tom I’m walking, I can run, I can jump, I can stand on one foot if I desire (and balance myself too), I can swing my legs and hop on one foot. All of this because I too said “not so!” It is amazing what the human spirit in connection with God will accomplish for those willing to acknowledge that God is greater than any sickness, disease, poverty and death!
    Welcome back my brother. Love, Edith

  29. Jane on May 4th, 2009 8:58 am


    I’m sure I speak for many… We are thrilled to have you back and we continue to send you Love and Healing energy.

    I know that you are surrounded by Love as we all are!

    Jane Lovas
    Living Dream
    Design – Create – Live
    The Life of Your Dreams

  30. Nina Kewatt on May 4th, 2009 6:45 pm

    I am sorry to hear about your misfortunes.! God doesn’t give us more than we can handle and you must be a very strong man to be able to conquer an ordeal such as the one you have been thru! With your wife by your side every step of the way.!! One Day At A Time. Love and God’s Peace.
    Nina Kewatt

  31. Donna on May 4th, 2009 11:19 pm

    Hi Tom!

    How great to hear from you here on the blog and about your remarkable recovery. I was in the portal with you when you decided to come back… yeah, man!

    Love you so much,

  32. Michael Tang on May 5th, 2009 11:47 pm

    Hi Tom

    It’s great to hear that you have a speedy recovery and back home.

    With your good work in helping so many people to change to a better life-style, the Universe gave you merit …….and they need more people like you on earth.

    Keep up your good work. Stay healthy and happy always.

    Wishing you Good Health and Longevity.

    Best blessed
    Michael Tang

  33. Esther Wambui Kimemia on May 12th, 2009 3:38 am

    Hey Tom,

    This comes all the way from Africa – to be Precise in a town called Nakuru in KENYA.

    I am sending you much love and Blessings and healing prayers your way.

    I thank God for you and that you have gone through all that and won the battle. Surely the Lord fights your battles and will continuosly do so.

    My regards to you and Penelope for your encouragement. You have mattered much in my life and the way I now perceive things. May the Lord preserve you that He may continually delight in using you to raise other people’s faith for your glory.

    Yours Esther Wambui Kimemia
    Nairobi – Kenya.

  34. AndrewBoldman on June 4th, 2009 5:24 pm

    Great post! Just wanted to let you know you have a new subscriber- me!

  35. garry on June 18th, 2009 12:48 am

    good to see your well again TOM LOVE from ozz

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